Screenplay Template

Our Screenplay Template is ideal for feature films, television (drama, sitcoms, limited series), short films, web series, commercials/promotional videos, and more.

All of our document template's line types have been formatted to follow a traditional pattern of progression based on industry standards.

Screenplay Template Tutorial Video

Apply Screenplay Template

This will affect the entire document and adjust all formatting.

  1. Select Format > Document Template > Default Templates
  2. Select Screenplay Template
    1. If there is content in the document, it will ask if you want to confirm the template change.
  3. Select Apply Template

Core Line Types

These five line types form the foundation of the screenplay format and are the most commonly used.

  • Scene (aka Slugline) - Single-line description of the location and time a scene takes place
    • It follows the format: INT./EXT. LOCATION - TIME OF DAY
        • I/E. is an abbreviation for INT./EXT. which is used when a scene takes place both inside and outside a location or moves between the two in a continuous shot (e.g. a character walks from inside a house to the front yard without a scene break).
    • Typing "INT." or "EXT." on a blank line will automatically format it as a scene heading.
    • Pre-filled options such as DAY, NIGHT, CONTINUOUS, and LATER are available for quick selection.
  • Action - Present-tense description of the setting and what happens in the scene
    • Pressing Enter after an Action line continues as another Action line.
  • Character - Name of a speaking character, formatted in uppercase
    • Pressing Tab from an Action line creates a Character line, which precedes Dialogue.
  • Parenthetical (Parens) - Brief direction on how a line is delivered as well as mid-dialogue action
    • Pressing Tab on a blank Dialogue line creates a Parenthetical.
  • Dialogue - Lines of speech delivered by characters
    • Pressing Enter from a Character line creates a Dialogue line.

Additional Line Types

  • Transition - Right-aligned instructions that indicate a scene change
  • Shot - Camera angle directions, typically used in shooting scripts rather than spec scripts
    • Example: CLOSE ON [CHARACTER]
  • Text - Similar to an Action line but has no special formatting or line spacing
    • Pressing Enter after a Text line continues as another Text line.
  • Act Breaks - New Act and End Act are used to structure your script into Acts, typically for TV scripts and stageplays
    • Pressing Enter after an End Act line automatically formats the next line as a New Act.
  • Lyrics - Dialogue that is sung or recited appearing in all caps, typically for musicals
    • Pressing Enter after a Lyrics line continues as another Lyrics line.
  • Dual - Dual Dialogue indicating that two characters are speaking simultaneously
    • Pressing Enter after a Dual line creates an Action line.
    • To stay in a Dual block, press Ctrl/Cmd+3 instead of Enter.
  • Image - Insert multimedia, such as images, videos, or audio to provide additional context for your script

Outlining Line Types

  • Notes - Indented comments that remain within the script for reference but do not count towards the page count
  • Outline - Lines used to provide structural guidance and are hidden unless Show Outline is enabled
    • Pressing Enter after an Outline line continues as another Outline line.
  • Sequence - Similar to Outline lines but allows you to group scenes into meaningful story beats
    • Pressing Enter after a Sequence line creates a Scene line.

Screenplay Sample

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