Change Line Type

Each document template is formatted to allow for seamless writing. This means line types are already formatted for you. All you need to do is select the line type you would like, or better yet, let the intuitive software guide you through your writing. 

Change Line Type

This will apply only to selected lines.

  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd + (the number that corresponds with the line type)
    1. With the Line Types widget visible, pressing Ctrl/Cmd will reveal the shortcut for each line type, if it has one.
    2. You can also find a list of keyboard shortcuts in Keyboard Shortcuts.


  1. Choose the desired line type from the Line Types widget
    1. Depending on your layout, the Line Types widget will either be at the top center or lefthand side.

  1. Select Format > Line Type
  2. Choose the desired line type

The Line Type's Intuitive Nature

Each document template's line types have been formatted to follow a traditional pattern of progression based on industry standards. 

Using the Screenplay template as an example, the first line of the script will be a Scene line followed by an action line. Enter/Return will bring you to another Action line unless you press Tab, which will bring you to a Character line, then a Dialogue line, and back to an Action line. This pattern will continue as you make your way through the script. Strategic pressing of Enter/Return or Tab in specific places will lead you to auto-fill menus, Transitions, and other line types. 

The goal is to remove the time it takes to format a line or even choose the type of line you need. Writing should be seamless and uninterrupted. 

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