Collaborator Location

Easily find a collaborator's location and even follow their progress.

In this Article

Collaborator Location

User avatars are used in the Project widget to note what document a collaborator is currently viewing. You can also see your user avatar here. 

A collaborator's specific location in a document is indicated by a color highlight on the line their cursor is present on. You will see this same highlight for the line your cursor is on. The color for the highlight is based on the user avatar color. 

To make changes to your user avatar color or to modify highlighting settings, see Display Settings.

Go to User Location

You must be on the same document as the collaborator to jump to their location.

  1. Go to the Chat widget
    1. Depending on the layout you are in, this can be found under the Comments tab in the left sidebar or the Cards, Project Documents & Chat tab in the right widget panel.
  2. Select the user avatar icon for the desired collaborator.
    1. Selecting the icon will take you to their location. Selecting their name will open the Chat feature.


  1. Go to the Chat widget
    1. Depending on the layout you are in, this can be found under the Comments tab in the left sidebar or the Cards, Project Documents & Chat tab in the right widget panel.
  2. Select the three dots to the right of the desired collaborator
  3. Select Go to user location 
    1. The page will scroll to their location

Mirror Scroll with a Collaborator

Turn On Scroll Mirroring

  1. Open the chat widget 
  2. Locate the collaborator you want to mirror
  3. Select the three dots to the right of their name
  4. Select Mirror scroll position
    1. You can identify which collaborator you are mirroring by the monitor icon that appears next to their name.
    2. You can identify your collaborator's position on the page based on the color highlight that matches their user icon color. 

Turn Off Scroll Mirroring

  1. Open the chat widget
  2. Locate the collaborator you are mirroring
    1. You will see a screen icon next to their name
  3. Select the three dots to the right of their name
  4. Select Stop Mirroring
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