Document Statistics - Pro Feature
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Document Statistics Report
General Statistics
There is no ‘right answer’ for what these statistics should look like. Any numbers given below will be the industry standard, but not the rule.
- Dialogue - This is the percentage of a script that consists of Dialogue lines. Useful to see if a script, in particular, needs more Dialogue or is too Dialogue heavy. The standard is in the 40-60% range.
- Density - It calculates the average amount of ‘blank’ space on a page. Since the screenwriting industry generally prefers screenplays that are briskly paced and easily read, this statistic is extremely useful. As a screenwriter, it is important to know if the overall script will appear text-heavy. Monitoring the density and pace of your script may help improve its visual appeal to a potential Producer or Director.
- Pages per scene - The number of pages per scene on average.
- Page count – Total page count of the document you are currently on. The general rule for screenwriting is a script should be no longer than 120 pages, however, most professional screenplays are around 90-110 pages.
- Word Count – Total number of words in the document you are currently on, including all types of lines.
- Speaking characters - The number of characters with Dialogue in the document you are currently on. This number can change if a Report is being run on a filtered or shortened view of the document.
- Silent Characters - There may be circumstances where a character is present in a scene but has no lines of Dialogue. While it may be indicated that this character is in the scene by the Action or Scene line, they will not show up as part of the Statistics page unless entered in an outliner line.
Gender Overview
These stats are here to help determine the balance of gender in a script. Again, there is no right answer here. That said, there are many writers who are keen to monitor their writing from the perspective of gender in order to learn more about their own internal biases (or the lack thereof).
- Gender (#) - There is a row for each gender category that has been noted in this script or section of the script. The number in parentheses is the number of characters assigned to that gender. WriterDuet pulls an initial assumption based on the name and context clues in the script to automatically assign gender to characters. These assignments can be edited under the Writing Metrics section of this report. If we are not able to determine the gender of a character, it will be left as "N/A" until manually assigned.
Words | Lines | WPL | |
Gender (#) | This is the percentage of the words in Dialogue lines that are associated with Characters of that gender. | This is the percentage of Dialogue lines (blocks of dialogue) that are associated with Characters of that gender. | Aka Words Per Line. The average number of words within Dialogue blocks that are associated with Characters of that gender, divided by the number of Dialogue blocks. |
- Bechdel test - The Bechdel test determines whether there are scenes between two or more female characters and zero male characters, where the subject matter is not related to a male character, and there are at least seven blocks of dialogue in the scene. The Bechdel test became popular because historically it has failed surprisingly often in the big-budget films.
- reverse Bechdel test - The reverse Bechdel test does the same thing with the genders reversed. It can be fun and interesting to see if your script passes these tests.
Lines of Text by Type
These statistics give a breakdown of each Line Type. This counts the entire amount of vertical space taken up by each line type, not just the number of paragraphs of that line type. Especially useful to determine if a script is heavier in one area than it should be (too many action lines, not enough dialogue, etc). The total number of lines in the script only reflects lines that have been classified with a Type (Character, Dialogue, Action, etc.)
Writing Metrics
The writing metrics give an overall view of how much a Character contributes to the story. They can also give an idea of the rhythm and pace of a Character’s speech pattern. Some of the components of the Writing Metrics section are used across the industry, and some are specific to WriterDuet. All statistics in this section are averages based on lines of Dialogue spoken by Characters.
- Action - This helps you compare the number of Action lines to the amount of Dialogue in your script. While there is no industry standard for the ratio between Action lines and Character lines, this statistic can be helpful for a writer to better understand their style of writing.
- Gender & Total - This helps you compare the Dialogue lines per gender and all of the Dialogue lines in your script.
- [CHARACTER] - Each character in the script will be listed here. Characters are identified by text that is designated as a Character line.
Lines | WPL, SPW, LPW, WPS | ?s | Complexity | Gender | ||
Action, Gender & Total, [CHARACTERS] | The number of Action lines, lines per gender, all Dialogue lines, or Dialogue spoken by each character. | Average Words per Line, Syllables per Word, Letters per Word, Words per Sentence | The percentage of the Dialogue lines that are questions. | Based on the Flesch Kincaid reading ease model, this statistic calculates the reading level of any text by using a specific mathematical formula. |
The gender of the character. This can be designated here if incorrect or not yet specified. |
- Lines - A Dialogue line is defined by a continuous section of dialogue for a specified character. A Parenthetical will not interrupt a line, but a change in line type will.
- Complexity - This can help a writer work on each character’s unique speaking style and complexity. Since the reading and speaking complexity is vastly different for most people, WriterDuet has altered the formula to be geared toward speaking complexity. For example, you would expect a Child character’s Dialogue to have a lower complexity percentage than a Doctor character’s.