Manage Your Portfolio

Your portfolio stores all of your projects. From here, you can access your projects, see important project info, organize your work, and share with collaborators.

For information on managing projects and documents, see Manage Your Projects & Documents.

Open Portfolio

  1. Press Cmd/Ctrl + O


  1. Select the File > Open Project


  1. With the Project widget open, select Open Portfolio near the bottom

Manage Projects in your Portfolio

*Note: with the Free version of WriterDuet, you can only have three projects in your Portfolio at a time. If you have three or more projects and would like to create a new one, you will either need to delete projects to free up space or upgrade to a paid subscription.

For details about specific actions, see the articles linked below:

Export Your Portfolio

You can export the entire portfolio or a specific folder. The folder will export as a .zip file. All projects will be WriterDuet file format (.wdz).

  1. Open the Portfolio
    1. As needed, open the desired folder
  2. Select Export Folder from the bottom menu options

Edit Portfolio Settings

  1. Open your portfolio
  2. Select the portfolio settings wheel
  3. Check the box for the desired setting(s)
    1. Open Portfolio on load - will open the portfolio each time you open the app
    2. Open documents in tabs - will open each document from a project in a tab upon opening
    3. Hide docs in Portfolio - will hide the view of Docs and Share options from the portfolio view

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