Set External Project Backups in WriterDuet

Set up backups so you can keep working with peace of mind. While our servers are working non-stop to save all of your content, it is always great to have backups of your work on your computer or in a separate cloud drive. It can also be useful when you choose to work offline; just pull up the latest backup and keep working!

Set up automatic and manual backups to your computer, an external cloud drive, or an email. 

Generate a Manual Save/Backup

Your work automatically and continually syncs to the WriterDuet servers when the app is online, so it is ALWAYS saving. To see more about saving behavior in WriterDuet, see Save a Project.

With backup settings set, the action will manually sync your work and generate an external backup to the designated location. 

  1. Press Cmd/Ctrl + S


  1. Select File > Save Project

Set up Hard Drive Backups

Hard Drive Backups will save to your computer each time a save is generated. In the browser, they will save to your computer's downloads folder (or wherever you've designated downloads to go from your browser.) In the desktop app, you can choose the exact file path for your backups. 

  1. Select File > Set External Backups or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S
  2. As needed, change the file name
  3. Select the Save Frequency
    1. Daily
    2. Hourly
    3. Every 30 minutes
    4. Every 5 minutes
    5. Only when I press 'Save'
    6. Do not set backups
  4. Select the desired File Type(s)
    1. You can backup up to 12 file types in one save.
  5. Select Hard Drive from the Storage options
    1. In the desktop app, you will see the designated file path just below this option
      1. Select Change hard drive folder to change the file path
      2. A folder with the Filename will be created and all backups for that file will go into this folder under the name and with timestamps
        1. For example: Finder/My Computer > Documents > [Project Name] > [MM-DD-YY] > [HH-MM].pdf
        2. Each new save will create a new [HH-MM] file in the appropriate [MM-DD-YYY] folder. 
  6. Select Close
    1. Select Backup Now to generate a backup immediately

Set up External Cloud Backups

This is separate from the cloud backups that are already generating through the WriterDuet servers. The external drive selected will require authentication to link the account as this is not directly linked to the email associated with your account. This also means that you can change which external drive accounts you backup to as needed. 

  1. Select File > Set External Backups or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S
  2. As needed, change the file name
  3. Select the Save Frequency
    1. Daily
    2. Hourly
    3. Every 30 minutes
    4. Every 5 minutes
    5. Only when I press 'Save'
    6. Do not set backups
  4. Select the desired File Type(s)
    1. You can backup up to 12 file types in one save.
  5. Select the desired external cloud drive(s) from the Storage options
    1. Dropbox
    2. Google Drive
  6. As needed, designate a Cloud folder path
    1. Without a folder path, these backups will save to the main folder in your external cloud drive
    2. For example, to save in Google Drive you could say: WriterDuet/[Project Name]
      1. This will save the backup in a folder called "[Project Name]' within a folder named "WriterDuet"
  7. Select Close
    1. Select Backup Now to generate a backup immediately

Set up Email Backups

This will email a file backup each time a save is generated. The file will be sent to your email by default. 

  1. Select File > Set External Backups or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S
  2. As needed, change the file name
  3. Select the Save Frequency
    1. Daily
    2. Hourly
    3. Every 30 minutes
    4. Every 5 minutes
    5. Only when I press 'Save'
    6. Do not set backups
  4. Select the desired File Type(s)
    1. You can backup up to 12 file types in one save.
  5. Select Email from the Storage options
    1. Enter the email(s) separated by commas
  6. Select Close
    1. Select Backup Now to generate a backup immediately

Turn Off External Project Backups

This will stop backups from periodically auto-saving.

  1. Select File > Set External Backups or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S
  2. Under the Save Frequency drop-down, select Do NOT set backups - backups DISABLED

Reset External Cloud Drive Authentication

Change the account designated for your external cloud connection.

  1. Select File > Set External Backups or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S
  2. Under Storage options, uncheck the selected external cloud drive
  3. Reselect the external cloud drive
  4. Select Backup Now
    1. You will be prompted to Authenticate again
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