Spelling & Grammar

The automatic spellcheck that is visible when working in the browser or desktop app is your browser or system's real-time spellcheck. WriterDuet defaults to your browser or system's spellcheck. 

For quick access to this and similar features, add the Analysis widget to your layout.

To edit your browser's spellcheck, see your browser's settings.

Turn on/off Browser/System Spellcheck

This Spellcheck option is your browser's (for browser app) or system's (for Desktop app) spellcheck.  

  1. Select Tools > Spelling & Grammar
  2. Select to check/uncheck Browser/System Spellcheck
    1. When enabled, red lines will appear under erroneous words.
    2. To correct errors, right-click the word and select the appropriate resolution to the spelling error
      1. If right-clicking a word does not reveal spellcheck options, go to Customize > Editing to make sure Right-click lines to add comments is not turned on.

Check Spelling & Grammar

This will enable the Spellcheck tool in WriterDuet. This is separate from the Browser/System Spellcheck option. 

  1. Select Tools > Spelling & Grammar
  2. Select Check Spelling & Grammar    
    1. Depending on the length of the document, this may take some time.
    2. The Spellcheck tool will appear in the Modes widget
  3. Use Previous and Next to navigate through spelling errors
  4. Select the appropriate resolution to the spelling error
  5. Turn off the Spellcheck by unchecking it in the menu OR Click the x in the upper right-hand corner of the Spellcheck tool in the Modes widget
Spellcheck Tool in Modes widget with identified spelling errors

Change Spellcheck Language

The Spellcheck language is English by default.  If you are writing in another language, changing the document's language will also change the language Spellcheck uses. 

  1. Select Tools > Spelling & Grammar
  2. Check Document Language
  3. Open menu and select desired language 

*Note: The document language is different than your display language. Changing one will not affect the other. To learn more, see Change Display Language and Change Document Language.

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